How to choose THE BEST work chair.
How to choose THE BEST work chair for your specific type of work.
Outdoor Furniture
Outdoor Furniture is anything you might sit on. Rock, sand, log, car trunk, or tailgate. Furniture gets handed down, sold, and upgraded. After the adventure, it is time for a story, drink, and relax.
NeoCon 2021
NeoCon 2021 is a large trade show that has been around for about 50 years, with about 1 million sq. feet, 500 exhibitors, and 9 floors, for 3 days at The Chicago Merchandise Mart. Come see/be seen, sit the test, stop rest and listen to many industry experts.
Office Furniture History
What drove the development of modern furniture was the equipment and business machines that it supported. The study of ergonomics, body mechanics, OSHA laws, all day computer use and insurance claims gave the monetary justification to improve furniture for the office worker.