How to choose THE BEST work chair.
How to choose THE BEST work chair for your specific type of work.
How to plan for long useful life for office furniture
We continue to adapt to the ever changing work environment, new health discoveries or trendy ideas and the furniture we use can updated to support our work. Take stock of what you have, how your people are working and how can you help. If starting from scratch, plan ahead for the next 10-20 years.
Ergonomic Adjustable Chairs
Ergonomic Adjustable Chairs. The furniture that will most affect your work is what you sit on, subtle or irritating your chair matters. Today we will talk about what chairs do and some different ergonomic theories.
Office Furniture History
What drove the development of modern furniture was the equipment and business machines that it supported. The study of ergonomics, body mechanics, OSHA laws, all day computer use and insurance claims gave the monetary justification to improve furniture for the office worker.